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Jeppesen / Jeppesen JAA ATPL Manual Band 04 - Airframes and Systems (JAR Ref 021 01)

Eingestellt am: 20.12.2010
Hersteller: Jeppesen
Modell: Jeppesen JAA ATPL Manual Band 04 - Airframes and Systems (JAR Ref 021 01)
Kategorie: Fachliteratur
Zustand: neu
Standort: Münster, Deutschland
Objektnummer: 1202
Airframes & Systems, Electrics, Powerplant, and Emergency Equipment (ASEPE) –Aeroplanes, subject 021, covers a broad swathe of information that is examined in one paper. To make this information manageable, the 021 subject is broken down into three volumes, these are Airframes & Systems [which incorporates Emergency Equipment], Electrics,